In this article, you will get chapter wise JKBOSE Class 10 Science Important Questions. These questions are important for the examination point of view.
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Life Process
Q NO 1:-What are the difference between autotrophic nutrition & heterotrophic nutrition?
Q NO 2:- What is the role of the acid in our stomach?
Q NO 3:- Describe the process of digestion in human beings? Draw a labeled diagram of human digestive system?
Q NO 4:- How are the small intestines designed to absorb digested food?
Q NO 5:- How is the oxygen & carbon dioxide transported in human beings?
Q NO 6:-How are water & minerals transported in plants?
Q NO 7:- What is the role of Saliva in the digestion of food?
Q NO 8:- What are the difference between aerobic respiration & anaerobic respiration?
Q NO 9:- Describe double circulation in human beings. Why is it necessary?
Q NO 10:- Explain the structure of Nephron?
Q NO 1:-What happens at the synapse between two neurons?
Q NO 2:- What are plant Harmones? Define tropism and its various types?
Q NO 3:- How do auxins Promote the Growth of a tendril around a support?
Q NO 4:- Why is the use of Iodised salt advisable?
Q NO 5:- How does Chemical co-ordination takes place in animals?
Q NO 6:- How does our body respond when Adrenaline is secreted into the blood?
Q NO 7:- Why are some patients of diabetes treated by giving injections of Insulin?
Q NO 8:- Draw the structure of Neuron?
Q NO 9:- How are involuntary actions & reflex action different from each other?
Q NO 1:- what is Asexual reproduction? What are its various types, explain them?
Q NO 2:- Draw labeled diagram of male reproductive system & Female reproductive system?
Q NO 3:-How is the process of Pollination different from fertilization?
Q NO 4:-What are the advantages of sexual reproduction over Asexual reproduction?
Q NO 5:-What are the functions performed by the Testis in human beings?
Q NO 6:-Why does Menstruation Occurs?
Q NO 7:-Draw a labeled diagram of the Longitudinal section of Flower?
Q NO 1:-How do Mendel’s experiments show that traits may be dominant or recessive?
Q NO 2:-How do Mendel’s experiment show that traits are Inherited Independently (Law of independent assortment)?
Q NO 3:-How is the sex of the Child determined in human beings?
Q NO 1:-Why are some substances Bio-degredable and some are non- biodegredable?
Q NO 2:-What are trophic levels? Give an example of Food chain & state the different trophic levels in it?
Q NO 3:-What is the role of Decomposers in the ecosystem?
Q NO 4:-What is Ozone & how does it effect any ecosystem?
Q NO 5:-What is Biological Magnification? Will the level of this magnification be different at different levels of the ecosystem
Q NO 6:-What will happen if we kill all the organisms in one trophic level?
Q NO 7:-What is Ecosystem& What are its components?
Q NO 1:-What is balanced chemical equation? Why should chemical equation be balanced?
Q NO 2:-Balance the following chemical equation?
(a). HNO3 + Ca(OH)2 Ca(NO3)2 + H2O
(b).NaOH + H2SO4 Na2SO4 + H2O
(c).NaCl + AgNO3 AgCl + NaNO3
(d).BaCl2 + H2SO4 BaSO4 + HCl
Q NO 3:-Write the balanced chemical equations for the following reactions?
(a).Calcium hydroxide + Carbon dioxide Calcium carbonate + Water.
(b).Zinc + Silver nitrate 4 Zinc nitrate + Silver.
(c).Aluminium + Copper Choloride Aluminium choloride + Copper
(d).Barium choloride + Pottasium sulphate Barium sulphate + Pottasium choloride.
Q NO 4:-What are displacement reactions? Differentiate between combination and decomposition reactions.
Q NO 5:-What do you mean by Rusting? What are the different methods by which iron can be prevented from corrosion?
Q NO 6:-Define: oxidation and rusting.
Q NO 1:- What do you mean by allotropy? Differentiate between diamond and graphite.
Q NO 2:-What are the two properties of carbon which lead to the huge number of carbon compounds we see around us?
Q NO 3:-What will be the formula & electron Dot structure of Cyclopentane?
Q NO 4:- What is a homologous series? What are the different characteristics of a homologous series?
Q NO 5:-How is ethanol prepared? What are the physical and chemical properties of ethanol?
Q NO 6:-Define: oxidation and rusting.
Q NO 7:-How would you distinguish between an alcohol & carboxylic acid?
Q NO 8:-Explain the mechanism of cleaning action of soap?
Q NO 9:-Define the following:
- Functional groups
- Hydrogenation
- Denatured alcohol
- Covalency
Q NO 1:-Explain the meanings of Malleable & ductile?
Q NO 2:-Why is sodium kept immersed in kerosene oil?
Q NO 3:-Define the following terms? (a).Mineral (b).Ore (c).Gangue.
Q NO 4:-What are Amphoteric Oxides? Give two examples of Amphoteric Oxides?
Q NO 5:-Explain the process of metallurgy of moderate reactive metals (Zn, Pb, Fe). Differentiate between calcination and roasting.
Q NO 6:-Differentiate between Metals & Non-Metals on the basis of their Physical properties & Chemical Properties?
Q NO 7:-Define: Electrolytic refining & • Electrolytic reduction
Q NO 1:-Why does an Aqueous solution of acid conduct electricity?
Q NO 2:-Write an equation to show the reaction between Plaster of Paris & Water?
Q NO 3:-What is P.O.P? Write its chemical formula?
Q NO 4:-What are the chemical properties of acids?
Q NO 5:-Plaster of Paris should be stored in a moisture proof container. Explain why?
Q NO 6:-What is a neutrilisation reaction? Give two examples?
Q NO 7:- Write a short note on Washing soda & baking soda & Give their Important uses?
Q NO 8:-What is bleaching powder? How is bleaching powder prepared? What are its properties?
Q NO 9:-Define: pH scale, Alkali & Aqua – Regia
LIGHT, Reflection & Refraction
Q NO 1:- Define centre of curvature, pole, radius of curvature, Principal axis, aperture, of spherical mirrors ?
Q NO 2 :- Explain Principal Focus and focal length of concave and convex mirror with the help of suitable diagram?
Q NO 3 :- Image formation in concave mirror and convex lens when object is placed at different positions?
Q NO 4 :- USES of concave and convex mirrors
Q NO5:- Sign conventions of spherical mirrors and lens
QNO.6 :- Why do we prefer convex mirror as a real view mirror in vehicles ?
Qno.7 :-A concave mirror produces three times magnified real image of an object placed at 10cm in fromt of it . Where is the image located ?
QNO.8 :- Explain refraction and its laws ? What are the conditions of no refraction?
QNO.9 :- Refraction through a rectangular glass slab?
QNO.10 define Power of lens ? what is its S.I unit and define that ?
QNO.11 The refractive index of diamond is 2.42 . What is the meaning of this statement ?
QNO.12 EXAMPLE 1.1 AND EXAMPLE 1.2 EXAMPLE 1.4 page no. 10 , 21 ( very very important )
QNO.13 Exercise QNO. 10 QNO. 11 QNO.13 page no. 25
QNO.1 Explain the construction and working of human eye?
QNO.2 What is meant by power of accommodation of the eye?
QNO.3 Explain Myopia Hypermetropia, Presbyopia? How are these defects corrected . Illustrare with the help of diagram?
Qno.4 Why do stars Twinkling and planets doesnot ?
QNO.5 Why sun looks red at sunrise and sunset? Why sun can be seen two minutes before actual sunrise and two minutes after actual sunset?
QNO.6 Why sky appear dark instead of blue to astronauts ?
QNO.7 Why red signal is used as traffic signal ? why not other colour
Q no.8:- Explain dispersion of light. How Rainbow is formed.
QNO.1 what is electric charge ? define its S.I unit ?
Qno.2 what is potential difference ?
Qno.3 define 1 volt
QNO.4 Explain OHMS LAW and give its experimental verification. What are the physical conditions necessary for trueness of Ohms law.
QNO.5 calculate no. of electrons in 1 coulomb of charge?
QNO.6 Advantages of parallel circuits over series circuits
QNO.7 calculate resultant resistance when resistances are connected in parallel and series?
QNO.8 What is resistance ? what are the factors on which resistance depends explain each one in brief ?
QNO.9 An electric motor takes 5A from a 220v line. Determine the power of the motor and the energy consumed in 2h ?
QNO.10 compute the heat generated while transferring 96000 coulomb of charge in one hour through a potential difference of 50v?
Example 3.12 page no . 57 (very important )
QNO.1 :- Properties of magnetic field lines
QNO.3 :- Magnetic field due to a current carrying solenoid.
Qno.4:- Force experienced by a current carrying conductor placed in the magnetic field – kicking wire experiment
QN0.5:- Motor- Principle,
QNO.6:- Flemmings left hand rule.
QNO.7:- live wire, neutral wire and earth wire.
QNO.8:-Why does a compass needle get deflected when placed near the bar magnet.
QNO.9:- Why two magnetic field lines does not intersect.
QN0.10:- What is the function of earth wire?
QNO.11:- Name two safety measures commonly used in electric circuit.
So, this was all about JKBOSE Class 10 Science Important Questions. Share this article with your friends.