In this article, you will get a complete List of GI Tagged Products from Jammu Kashmir (JK). This list is very important from the examination point of view.
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What is Geographical Indication (GI) tag?
GI tag is a tag or a sign given to the products that have their origin from a specific geographical location.
GI tagging in India is governed by Geographical Indications of Goods (Registration and Protection) Act, 1999.
GI tags in India are issued by the Geographical Indication Registry under the Department of Industry Promotion and Internal Trade, Ministry of Commerce and Industry.
GI tags are given in compliance with the World Trade Organisation (WTO) agreement on Trade Related aspects of Intellectual Propert Rights (TRIPS).
GI tag can be given to any product having some specific characters originating from a specific geographical area. The product can be agricultural, natural or manufactured in nature.
The system of giving GI tags in India was started on 15th September 2003, and the first product to get a GI tag in India was Darjeeling Tea from West Bengal.
GI tag remains valid for 10 years, after which it has to be renewed.
Benefits of GI Tagging
GI tagging helps in;
- providing legal protection,
- prevention against unauthorised use,
- boosting exports,
- verifying authenticity of products.
List Of Geographical Indication (GI) Tags in Jammu Kashmir (JK)
The products that have received GI tags in Jammu Kashmir are listed below:
- Pashmina
- Saffron
- Hand knitted carpet
- Kani shawl
- Khatamband
- Walnut wood carving
- Paper Machie
- Sozani craft
- Sulai Honey
- Bhaderwah Rajmah
- Mushqbudji rice
- Basholi Paintings
- Basholi Pashmina Woolen Products
- Rajouri Chikri woodcraft
- Kaladi
- Kishtwar Saffron
- Anardana
- Gucchi
You can check the details about the above mentioned GI tagged products below;
- Pashm is a persian word meaning “wool”.
- Pashmina is one of the finest and highest quality wool in world.
- Pashmina is obtained from Chanthang goat/Kel goat (scientific name = capra hircus) domesticated in Ladakh.
- Scientific name = Crocus Sativus.
- It is one of the costliest spices in the world.
- It is grown on Pampore Karewa in Kashmir.
- Its cultivation is known as Golden Zest in Indian agriculture.
- It has been referred to as “Bahukam” in ancient Sanskrit Literature.
Hand Knitted Carpet
- Carpet industry was introduced by Sultan Zain ul Abideen in Kashmir. He brought trainers from Persia and Central Asia to train Kahsmiri locals.
- The process of knitting carpets is called Qaleen Baffi in local language.
Kani Shawl
- Kani shawls are woven over looms using wooden needles. They are different from Sozni shawls in the sense that Sozni shawls are needle woven.
- It is made from Pashmina.
- Kani shawls take three months to three years to get completed.
- It is mainly crafted in Kanihama area of Kashmir, and hence the name.
- Khatamband is a very intricate woodwork done on ceilings.
- It is done using thin panels of pine wood or walnut wood, cut into geometrical shapes.
- It was introduced by Shah-e-Hamdan in Kashmir.
Walnut Wood Carving
- It is believed to have been introduced by Sheikh Hamza Makhdoom during the reign of Sultan Zain ul Abideen.
- It is an ornamental and delicate crafting process and is used to make and carve tables, jewelry boxes, trays, etc.
Paper Machie
- Originated in Iran and introduced in Kashmir by Sultan Zain ul Abideen.
- Its Iranian name is Kari Qalamdane.
- Paper Machie involves soaking a special type of paper in water till the time it disintegrates. Then an adhesive is added and it is then koulded into different shapes.
Sozni Craft
- It is a unique needle embroidery done by women.
- It is also called “dorukha” meaning two faced, as work is done on both sides of a shawl.
Sulai Honey
- It is an organic honey produced in Rambam district of Jammu Kashmir.
- It is extracted from bees feeding on nectar of Van Tulsi.
- In 2015, PM Modi gifted Sulai honey to Queen Elizabeth during his visit to Britain.
Bhaderwahi Rajma
- Cultivated in Bhaderwah area of Jammu Kashmir.
- It is smaller in size and has a distict texture and taste.
Basholi Paintings
- It belongs to the Pahari Miniature painting school of paintings.
- These paintings depict a fusion of Hindu mythology, Mughal miniature techniques and folk art of locals.
- Basholi is a small town in district Kathua of JK.
- Dr Hetman Goltz says that “Basholi paintings are among the great achivements of Indians”.
- The typical canvas for a Basholi paintings is an Ivory sheet and their themes come from Shringara Literature.
Rambani Anardana
- It is locally known as Dhruni.
- These are the sun dried grains of wild sour pomegranate (Punica Granatum).
- It is one of the most expensive mushrooms in the world.
- It belongs to a species of fungus in the family Morchellaceae.
- It is known for its spongy, honeycombed head and savoury flavour.
So, this was all about the GI Tagged Products from Jammu Kashmir. Share this article with your friends.